Nexuiz is an arena style FPS that was originally put out for PC in 2005 using a version of the Quake engine, but has been totally remade for this downloadable version. It boasts a single multiplayer mode that takes place across 9 maps, gives you 9 weapons, and throws you into the heat of battle.
From what I understand, there is a story mode here somewhere, but, barring a solitary intro cut scene and a few lines of text, it simply boils down to this: the red guys HATE the blue guys. And the blue guys aren't too fond of the red'uns either. In a game like this, does it really need a story? It's simply an extra layer that adds to the overall package.
Nah, gameplay is where this game's at. It's a standard FPS control set up (RT to shoot, A to jump etc...) that manages to find its way in an already flooded genre. The controls are simple, tight, and they work. You cannot argue with that.
Matches are fast paced, frantic affairs that are timed to 10 minutes. In that time, you and two other players have to take on 3 OTHER players aiming to be the first to reach the point limit. Points are earned through kills. Obviously.
This may sound standard fair for FPS's in 2012, but it's the execution of the kills that grabs you. Nexuiz introduces power ups that can enhance you, your team, or can have a negative effect on the opposition. The power ups are awesome. They add an entirely new dynamic to a tired genre. Can't say much more than that.
IT'S REALLY FUN is what i'm trying to say. A problem I have, however, regards the networking. Or the logistics of it. When you've got a full game going, it's exceptional. When a player drops out, and it's three on two, and you're on the smaller team, you're screwed. Unless you're brilliant at FPS's (which I am not) 9 out of 10 times you're gonna lose. Which sucks.
Graphic-wise this is gorgeous. This has been a trend this House Party, and long may it continue. Nexuiz uses CryEngine 3, the same engine that powers Crysis 2 which is still one of the most beautiful games of this generation. From an artistic point of view, this is standout. Colours pop off the screen. They're so vibrant, almost tangible. Considering pretty much every game in the genre is several shades of brown. It's beautifully refreshing to see colours in a first person shooter.
IT'S REALLY FUN is what i'm trying to say. A problem I have, however, regards the networking. Or the logistics of it. When you've got a full game going, it's exceptional. When a player drops out, and it's three on two, and you're on the smaller team, you're screwed. Unless you're brilliant at FPS's (which I am not) 9 out of 10 times you're gonna lose. Which sucks.
Graphic-wise this is gorgeous. This has been a trend this House Party, and long may it continue. Nexuiz uses CryEngine 3, the same engine that powers Crysis 2 which is still one of the most beautiful games of this generation. From an artistic point of view, this is standout. Colours pop off the screen. They're so vibrant, almost tangible. Considering pretty much every game in the genre is several shades of brown. It's beautifully refreshing to see colours in a first person shooter.
If you like FPS's, and don't mind a few networking issues here and there, and have 800MSP spare, this is well worth your time. Hell, I don't even like FPS's, and I found plenty to enjoy here. it probably won't set Xbox Live alight. But, while it lasts, it's a lot of fun.
Thanks for reading. If you liked this, check out my other reviews. They're hella good. Just want to update you on what's gonna be going on with the site over the next few weeks. I'm delighted to announce I've secured the services of Bobby Bailey, an upcoming video game developer, friend, team mate etc. He'll be writing some schtuuuuuuuuuff, reviews, features and all that. Gohma's blowing up. Heard it here first. I'm also looking into the logistics of doing video reviews. Woo!
By next wednesday, we'll have a review of I Am Alive on the site, and after that we'll be ploughing through a few retrospective reviews (Alan Wake, Donkey Kong Country Returns among others). So keep your eyes peeled.
By next wednesday, we'll have a review of I Am Alive on the site, and after that we'll be ploughing through a few retrospective reviews (Alan Wake, Donkey Kong Country Returns among others). So keep your eyes peeled.
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